Description |
Article |
Magazine (as new) |
Magazine (good) |
Magazine (less good) |
ashanti article (1 page) in dutch tv-guide veronica of 8 june 2002 |
€ 1.50 |
€ 4.25 |
ashanti article (0.8 pages) in dutch pop magazine break out! of 13 june 2002 |
€ 1.25 |
€ 9.25 |
ashanti article (1.5 pages) in dutch pop magazine hitkrant of 22 june 2002 |
€ 2.00 |
€ 9.25 |
€ 8.75 |
ashanti song text (0.5 pages) in dutch pop magazine hitkrant of 22 june 2002 |
€ 0.75 |
€ 9.25 |
€ 8.75 |
ashanti song text (0.5 pages) in dutch pop magazine break out! of 27 june 2002 |
€ 0.75 |
ashanti article (1.5 pages) in dutch pop magazine hitkrant of 13 july 2002 |
€ 2.00 |
€ 9.25 |
€ 8.50 |
ashanti poster (1 page) in dutch pop magazine break out! of 25 july 2002 |
€ 1.50 |
€ 9.25 |
ashanti article (0.5 pages) in dutch pop magazine break out! of 15 august 2002 |
€ 0.75 |
ashanti article (2 pages) in dutch pop magazine break out! of 12 september 2002 |
€ 2.75 |
ashanti song text (0.5 pages) in dutch pop magazine break out! of 3 october 2002 |
€ 0.75 |
€ 9.25 |
ashanti article (2 pages) in dutch pop magazine break out! of 14 november 2002 |
€ 2.75 |
€ 9.25 |
ashanti article (1.5 pages) in dutch pop magazine hitkrant of 16 november 2002 |
€ 2.00 |
€ 9.25 |
€ 8.50 |
ashanti sexy (5 pages) in dutch men's magazine fhm of 1 december 2002 |
€ 4.75 |
€ 9.75 |
ashanti article (1 page) in dutch tv-guide veronica of 28 december 2002 |
€ 1.50 |
€ 4.25 |
ashanti article (2 pages) in dutch pop magazine hitkrant of 28 june 2003 |
€ 2.75 |
€ 9.00 |
€ 8.25 |
ashanti article (2 pages) in dutch pop magazine break out! of 3 july 2003 |
€ 2.75 |
€ 9.00 |
ashanti article (1 page) in dutch pop magazine hitkrant of 12 july 2003 |
€ 9.00 |
€ 11.50 |
€ 9.00 |
ashanti poster (1 page) in dutch pop magazine hitkrant of 12 july 2003 |
€ 9.00 |
€ 11.50 |
€ 9.00 |
ashanti article (1 page) in dutch pop magazine hitkrant of 2 august 2003 |
€ 1.25 |
€ 8.25 |
ashanti poster (1 page) in dutch pop magazine hitkrant of 9 august 2003 |
€ 1.25 |
€ 8.25 |
ashanti article (0.5 pages) in dutch pop magazine hitkrant of 4 december 2004 |
€ 0.75 |
€ 8.00 |
ashanti article (0.6 pages) in dutch pop magazine break out! of 9 december 2004 |
€ 0.75 |
€ 8.50 |
ashanti article (0.5 pages) in dutch pop magazine hitkrant of 23 december 2004 |
€ 0.75 |
ashanti cover + article + poster (3 pages) in dutch pop magazine break out! of 6 january 2005 |
€ 3.25 |
€ 8.50 |
ashanti poster (1 page) in dutch pop magazine hitkrant of 29 january 2005 |
€ 1.25 |
€ 7.75 |
ashanti article (2 pages) in dutch pop magazine break out! of 10 february 2005 |
€ 2.50 |
€ 8.50 |
ashanti poster (1 page) in dutch pop magazine hitkrant of 26 february 2005 |
€ 1.25 |
€ 7.75 |
ashanti poster (1 page) in dutch pop magazine hitkrant of 9 april 2005 |
€ 1.25 |
€ 8.50 |
€ 7.75 |
ashbury faith interview (2.5 pages) in belgium tv-guide humo of 18 may 1995 |
€ 4.00 |
€ 7.25 |
ashbury faith article (0.8 pages) in dutch music magazine oor of 1 november 1997 |
€ 1.25 |
€ 7.50 |
€ 6.50 |
ashford and simpson article (2 pages) in dutch music magazine oor of 29 november 1978 |
€ 5.25 |
€ 10.50 |
€ 9.25 |
ashford and simpson article (3.4 pages) in dutch music magazine oor of 11 august 1982: de gevoelige duo-zang... |
€ 6.50 |
€ 12.00 |
€ 11.00 |
ashford and simpson article (2 pages) in dutch tv-guide veronica of 9 february 1985 |
€ 4.50 |
€ 8.00 |
€ 7.00 |
ashford and simpson article (0.6 pages) in dutch men's magazine nieuwe revu of 29 may 1985 |
€ 1.50 |
€ 8.00 |
€ 6.75 |
ashlee simpson article + poster (2 pages) in dutch pop magazine break out! of 16 september 2004 |
€ 2.75 |
€ 8.75 |
ashlee simpson article (0.5 pages) in dutch pop magazine hitkrant of 18 september 2004 |
€ 0.75 |
€ 8.00 |
ashlee simpson article (1 page) in dutch pop magazine hitkrant of 25 september 2004 |
€ 1.25 |
€ 8.00 |
ashlee simpson article + song text (2.5 pages) in dutch pop magazine hitkrant of 2 october 2004 |
€ 3.00 |
€ 8.00 |
ashlee simpson article (0.5 pages) in dutch pop magazine break out! of 6 january 2005 |
€ 0.75 |
€ 8.50 |
ashlee simpson article (1.5 pages) in dutch pop magazine hitkrant of 26 february 2005 |
€ 2.00 |
€ 7.75 |
ashlee simpson article (0.5 pages) in dutch pop magazine break out! of 13 october 2005 |
€ 0.75 |
€ 8.25 |
ashlee simpson article (2 pages) in dutch pop magazine hitkrant of 15 february 2006 |
€ 2.50 |
€ 7.50 |
ashlee simpson poster (±45x60cm) in dutch pop magazine hitkrant of 8 march 2006 |
€ 2.75 |
ashlee simpson commercial (1 page) in dutch tv-guide veronica of 31 march 2007: skechers |
€ 1.25 |
€ 3.50 |
ashley allen article (10 pages) in dutch edition of playboy magazine of 1 november 1992 |
€ 8.75 |
€ 9.75 |
€ 8.75 |
€ 8.00 |
ashley allen cover + article (1 page) in dutch edition of playboy magazine of 1 november 1992 |
€ 2.00 |
€ 9.75 |
€ 8.75 |
€ 8.00 |
ashley allen article (1 page) in playmate kalender 1993 (dutch edition of playboy magazine supplement) of 1 january 1993 |
€ 2.00 |
€ 8.50 |
€ 7.75 |
ashley hames article (1 page) in dutch tv-guide kro magazine of 23 december 2006 |
€ 1.25 |
€ 3.00 |
ashley hamilton cover + article (4 pages) in dutch pop magazine hitkrant of 16 october 1993 |
€ 5.75 |
ashley hartman sexy (4 pages) in glossy men's magazine maxim (dutch edition) of 1 june 2006 |
€ 3.75 |
€ 6.50 |
ashley jones article (2 pages) in dutch tv-guide televizier of 15 september 2007 |
€ 2.25 |
€ 3.75 |
ashley jones article (2 pages) in dutch gossip magazine story of 10 march 2009 |
€ 2.25 |
€ 4.50 |
ashley judd photo special (4 pages) in dutch men's magazine nieuwe revu of 26 january 2000 |
€ 4.75 |
€ 6.25 |
ashley judd article (1.5 pages) in dutch tv-guide veronica of 29 january 2000 |
€ 2.25 |
€ 4.75 |
ashley judd interview (1.5 pages) in dutch tv-guide televizier of 26 february 2000 |
€ 2.25 |
€ 4.50 |
ashley judd cover + article (3 pages) in dutch tv-guide veronica of 13 may 2000 |
€ 3.75 |
€ 5.50 |
€ 4.75 |
ashley judd cover + article (3 pages) in dutch tv-guide veronica of 22 june 2002 |
€ 3.50 |
€ 5.00 |
€ 4.25 |
ashley judd article (2 pages) in dutch tv-guide televizier of 4 october 2003 |
€ 2.75 |
€ 4.00 |
ashley judd article (1 page) in dutch tv-guide televizier of 11 december 2004 |
€ 1.25 |
€ 4.50 |
ashley judd article (1 page) in dutch tv-guide kro magazine of 10 march 2007 |
€ 1.25 |
€ 4.25 |
ashley scott article (0.7 pages) in dutch pop magazine break out! of 16 september 2004 |
€ 1.00 |
€ 8.75 |
ashley tisdale poster (1 page) in dutch pop magazine hitkrant of 30 june 2007 |
€ 1.25 |
€ 7.25 |
ashley tisdale poster (±45x60cm) in dutch pop magazine hitkrant of 26 january 2008 |
€ 2.75 |
ashley williams cover + article (11 pages) in dutch edition of penthouse magazine of 1 october 1995 |
€ 8.50 |
€ 9.50 |
€ 8.75 |
ashlyn gere article (0.5 pages) in 25 beste sex video's (dutch edition of playboy magazine supplement) of 1 november 1991 |
€ 1.00 |
€ 8.00 |