Description |
Article |
Magazine (as new) |
Magazine (good) |
Magazine (less good) |
ace of base article (0.5 pages) in dutch pop magazine hitkrant of 3 april 1993 |
€ 1.00 |
€ 11.50 |
ace of base poster (2 pages) in german pop magazine bravo of 7 april 1993 |
€ 2.75 |
€ 7.50 |
ace of base commercial (0.5 pages) in dutch pop magazine hitkrant of 24 april 1993 |
€ 1.00 |
€ 11.50 |
ace of base article (2 pages) in dutch pop magazine hitkrant of 22 may 1993: geen boterham... |
€ 3.75 |
ace of base article (2 pages) in dutch pop magazine hitkrant of 19 june 1993: zo'n skinhead-bende... |
€ 3.75 |
ace of base article (2 pages) in german pop magazine bravo of 24 june 1993 |
€ 3.75 |
€ 7.50 |
ace of base article (0.7 pages) in dutch music magazine oor of 26 june 1993 |
€ 1.25 |
€ 11.00 |
€ 10.50 |
ace of base article (1.75 pages) in dutch pop magazine hitkrant of 17 july 1993: een glimlach... |
€ 3.25 |
€ 11.50 |
ace of base article (0.5 pages) in dutch pop magazine hitkrant of 17 july 1993 |
€ 1.00 |
€ 11.50 |
ace of base article (2 pages) in dutch pop magazine hitkrant of 11 september 1993: een blik in het leven... |
€ 3.75 |
€ 12.00 |
€ 11.50 |
ace of base article (2.5 pages) in dutch pop magazine hitkrant of 25 september 1993 |
€ 4.00 |
€ 12.00 |
ace of base article (0.5 pages) in dutch pop magazine hitkrant of 2 october 1993 |
€ 1.00 |
€ 12.00 |
ace of base article (0.5 pages) in dutch pop magazine hitkrant of 20 november 1993 |
€ 1.00 |
€ 11.00 |
ace of base article (2 pages) in german pop magazine bravo of 9 december 1993 |
€ 3.75 |
€ 7.50 |
ace of base article (0.5 pages) in dutch pop magazine hitkrant of 11 december 1993 |
€ 1.00 |
€ 11.00 |
ace of base cover (1 page) in german pop magazine bravo of 23 december 1993 |
€ 1.75 |
€ 7.50 |
ace of base article (2 pages) in dutch pop magazine hitkrant of 15 january 1994: zweede trots... |
€ 3.50 |
ace of base article (2 pages) in dutch tv-guide veronica of 29 january 1994 |
€ 3.50 |
€ 6.50 |
€ 5.50 |
ace of base cover + article (3 pages) in dutch pop magazine hitkrant of 26 february 1994: ik was het populairste... |
€ 4.50 |
€ 12.00 |
€ 11.00 |
ace of base article (0.5 pages) in dutch pop magazine hitkrant of 26 february 1994 |
€ 1.00 |
€ 12.00 |
€ 11.00 |
ace of base article (2 pages) in dutch pop magazine hitkrant of 5 march 1994: waarom ze mij joker noemen? |
€ 3.50 |
€ 12.00 |
ace of base article (2 pages) in dutch pop magazine hitkrant of 12 march 1994: het is onmogelijk... |
€ 3.50 |
€ 12.00 |
€ 11.00 |
ace of base article (2 pages) in dutch pop magazine hitkrant of 19 march 1994: de eenzaamheid... |
€ 3.50 |
€ 12.00 |
€ 11.00 |
ace of base article (2 pages) in dutch pop magazine hitkrant of 23 april 1994: wij hebben lak... |
€ 3.50 |
€ 12.00 |
€ 11.00 |
ace of base article (2 pages) in dutch pop magazine hitkrant of 4 june 1994: ze hadden me wel... |
€ 3.50 |
€ 12.00 |
€ 11.00 |
ace of base article (4 pages) in dutch pop magazine hitkrant of 11 june 1994: paspoorten |
€ 5.25 |
€ 11.00 |
ace of base article (2 pages) in dutch pop magazine hitkrant of 26 november 1994: klapt uit het raam |
€ 3.50 |
€ 11.00 |
ace of base article (3 pages) in dutch pop magazine hitkrant of 30 september 1995: we hebben een... |
€ 4.25 |
€ 10.50 |
ace of base article (1.6 pages) in dutch tv-guide veronica of 28 october 1995 |
€ 2.75 |
€ 5.25 |
ace of base article (2 pages) in dutch pop magazine hitkrant of 13 january 1996: er wordt heel wat... |
€ 3.50 |
€ 10.50 |
ace of base song text (0.5 pages) in dutch pop magazine break out! of 20 may 1998 |
€ 0.75 |
€ 10.50 |
€ 9.75 |
ace of base article (1 page) in dutch pop magazine break out! of 20 may 1998 |
€ 1.50 |
€ 10.50 |
€ 9.75 |
ace of base article (1 page) in dutch pop magazine hitkrant of 23 may 1998 |
€ 1.50 |
€ 10.50 |
€ 9.75 |
ace of base article (2 pages) in dutch tv-guide veronica of 27 june 1998 |
€ 3.25 |
€ 5.00 |
€ 4.00 |